Twenty. Ten. Thousand. Watt. Lights.
Sounds crazy, right? Well, as is becoming practice here on Carbontastic, let's do a little math.
20 lights x 10 kW each x 8 hours per day (estimating 3ish til 11ish) x 25 days = 40,000 kWh of electricity
However, what if this display were going up in Portland? Try more than 16 tonnes of CO2e.
To his credit, artist Rafael Lozano-Hemmer, did say they this:
When I saw English Bay I knew it would be the perfect spot to create our largest canopy of light to date and for the first time we are also able to use renewable energy.(Note on correction: My original figure of 11% was from the US EPA Equivalencies Calculator, based on the 800 kg CO2e, which produced a very low result because the EPA calculator is based on the US's higher emissions factors. Mea culpa. Thanks to Joe for catching my funky math.)